Having an occupational therapist in our practice has been transformative . It is improving patient outcomes and reducing GP stress . [ Patients ] are in less distress and attend less frequently …”
This multi-faceted approach has not only helped develop effective partnership working , but was key to overcoming initial challenges with our referral pathway , enabling us to reduce inappropriate referrals , develop our focus on early intervention and achieve effective caseload management .
COVID-19 – implications and opportunities for practice
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on the progress of our test of change , due to periods of staff deployment to support the COVID-19 response . However , it also presented opportunities to support GPs to meet patient needs through delivery of assessment and intervention in line with the Scottish Government ’ s COVID-19 Mental Health Recovery Plan .
We have also contributed to the rehabilitation and recovery of individuals experiencing long-term physical and psychological effects of a COVID-19 diagnosis and we have had opportunities to adapt our practice and test a variety of new ways of working to meet the needs of our patients in a timely and person-centred way .
The team has embraced the use of digital healthcare technology through telephone consultations , MS Teams , Near Me video consultations and SWAN ( secure file transfer system ), in order to deliver safe , effective and secure practice .
We also responded to these changes by developing clinical and patient resources that supported us to communicate with patients remotely and maximise the benefit of our interventions , as well as developing guidance and procedures to ensure that our patients and staff feel safe and supported .
Key achievements and forward planning
In phase two , the primary care occupational therapy service model has been successfully scaled up to provide a quality , safe and equitable service working across 21 practices , serving a population of approximately 125,500 people .
Evidence link
Rouch et al ( 2021 ) conducted a qualitative study to explore occupational therapists ’ experiences of , and recommendations for , the role of occupational therapy in primary care . Seven occupational therapists , with at least six months of primary care experience in the US , participated in semi-structured interviews . Data analysis involved deductive thematic analysis and member checking . Four themes emerged : gaining entry onto the primary care team ; navigating team-based care ; providing patientcentred care ; and expanding reach nationally . Barriers included lack of understanding about the role of occupational therapy and limited reimbursement , whilst facilitators included networking , consistency , and communication about the scope of occupational therapy practice . The paper identifies implications for practice about consuming evidence ( including on chronic condition management ), pursuing relevant continuing education , seeking mentorship within the profession and networking with primary care providers .
Rouch SA , Klinedinst TC , White JS , Leland NE ( 2022 ) Exploring occupational therapists ’ experiences in U . S . primary care settings : a qualitative study . American Journal of Occupational Therapy , 76 ( 1 ), 1 – 7 .
This early intervention for prevention model of care , with its proactive approach has helped people manage their conditions , build resilience , stay as active as possible and continue with their daily lives .
Feedback from GP colleagues has highlighted that our service has not only helped to enhance patient care , but also reduced GP workload and stress levels as a direct result of being able to offer patients the care they require .
Going forward , our priorities as a service include the development of self-referral and public engagement pathways in order to facilitate direct and inclusive access to occupational therapy and we look forward to the further consolidation of our team across the remaining localities within NHS Lanarkshire .
Words LISA GREER , Advanced Practitioner Occupational Therapist , and KAREN SYMINGTON , Specialist Occupational Therapist , NHS Lanarkshire
30 OTnews April 2022