OTnews April 2022 | Page 18

After working with the patients and completing some research , I created a range of resources to support this . I developed the resources into wellbeing packs and depression and anxiety management packs , which the nurses could use with patients to support their recovery .” student , says : ‘ I knew that my placement would be very interesting and challenging . The team collaborates with ward staff , the discharge planning team , community addiction and rehabilitation services , social services , and the patient ’ s family .
‘ I was welcomed by the nurses with open arms and was able to put my occupational therapy skills into motion within the first two weeks of the placement .
‘ The fast pace of the acute setting was hard to get used to at first , I was seeing between four and six patients a day and having to complete an assessment and deliver brief intervention all in under an hour . But this empowered me to polish up on my organisation and timekeeping skills , while learning to work proactively and holistically .’
After three weeks on placement , Megan says that she ‘ began to recognise some of the key problems that patients were facing within their recovery journey ’.
She reflects : ‘ Many of the patients were struggling with negative side effects of anxiety and depression , poor sleep hygiene , lack of roles and structure within their daily routine and minimal engagement in meaningful occupations . All of which were triggers to consuming alcohol and developing an alcohol dependency .
‘ After working with the patients and completing some research , I created a range of resources to support this . I developed the resources into wellbeing packs and depression and anxiety management packs , which the nurses could use with patients to support their recovery .’

75 %

of the the acute neurology team ’ s patients are male
The resource packs included breathing techniques , sleep hygiene guides , SMART goal templates , contact details for community groups , grounding activities , yoga poses , weekly planners and mindfulness puzzles .
‘ I delivered some brief teaching sessions to the nurses on how to use the packs and this helped to implement a more occupational therapy approach into the team ,’ Megan says .
Of her overall placement experience she says : ‘ Not only did I gain valuable insight and experience into the world of alcohol dependency , but it also helped me to consider the stereotyping and stigma that impact people with alcohol dependency daily .
‘ The placement and the team have taught me that alcohol can affect people ’ s daily function , their experience of occupation and outlook on life in more ways than one . It has enabled me to consider this in all aspects of occupational therapy and I now implement brief alcohol awareness and education into all my occupational therapy roles , when appropriate . ‘ The nurses have taught me how much of a negative impact alcohol has on the body and how it is important to break down the shame and embarrassment of drinking to excess and to open the communication to enhance support , especially for patients who are experiencing mental and emotional health conditions .’ She adds : ‘ There was so much to learn during my placement , but the key was the importance of multidisciplinary team working . You cannot provide holistic care without collaborating with all the professionals involved in that patient ’ s care .
‘ My placement supervisor Jane Whitty demonstrated this exceptionally well and provided me with the knowledge on how to do this effectively moving forward . I learnt that nurses have the same holistic approach as occupational therapists , it just manifests in different ways , which when used together is extremely beneficial for the patient .
‘ My long arm supervisor , Sandra Treloar , was extremely supportive in guiding me to keep the occupational therapy lens and helped me to develop an occupational therapy role that fit within a nurse led service , yet still provided the required therapy the patient client group needed .’
The role emerging placement was so successful that it led to the creation of a formal occupational
18 OTnews April 2022