OTnews April 2022 | Page 16

The value of occupational therapy within addictions services

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We talk to Sandra Treloar about her work to improve the links between acute neurology and a specialist alcohol service and how a brandnew role emerging placement opportunity led to a permanent position within the team .


ueen Alexandra Hospital ’ s acute neurology team is made up of three occupational therapists , an occupational therapy assistant , a physiotherapist , physiotherapist technician and a clinical nurse specialist in neurology .
The team covers all clinical areas , from the intensive care unit ( ICU ) to trauma and medical wards , assessing patients with a new neurological injury , be it acute traumatic acquired brain injury , through to new presentations of Guillan-Barrè Syndrome ( GBS ) and encephalitis .
Sandra Treloar , a band six occupational therapist on the team explains : ‘ Our role is to facilitate a patient ’ s care pathway through early assessment and some rehabilitation within the acute hospital . We can refer on to the rehabilitation ward here at the hospital , to other services , or do direct discharge planning .
‘ A lot of our role is supporting the patient and their friends and family through the initial stages of a new brain injury . We have close links to the local Headway charity and community-based specialist services , such as brain injury outreach and neuropsychology .’
16 OTnews April 2022