OTnews April 2022 | Page 14

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RCOT Library and Information Service goes digital
In our 2019-20 library survey , you shared that you want more digital resources and better access . And that ’ s what we ’ re doing with our digital library .”
Our library has been digital only since March 2020 , when we closed the physical library space due to the pandemic . Since then , you ’ ve used our library ’ s digital resources over 200,000 times .
We ’ ve decided to keep the physical library space closed and provide an entirely digital library service . This means that you can enjoy 24 / 7 access , 365 days a year , from wherever you are .
Use our ever-growing collection of digital resources to support your practice , learning , research and development . This includes e-books , online journals , e-theses and databases .
In our 2019-20 library survey , you shared that you want more digital resources and better access . And that ’ s what we ’ re doing with our digital library . You can now :
• Enjoy our library from across the UK and world at times that work for you .
• Browse our list of online journals and read fulltext articles .
• Search for journal articles on the CINAHL and Medline databases .
• Read e-books and online PhD dissertations via our library catalogue search .
• Find support using our resources with our information skills guides .
• Contact our library team for support by email .
We ’ re now looking for homes for the books and print resources . This includes connecting with other libraries to offer them our resources . We ’ re also keeping a reserve collection of RCOT ( and COT ) materials that we hope to digitise in the future . For now , these materials won ’ t be available for access .
Our library team is here to support you using our digital resources and services . They are available 9am to 5pm , Monday to Friday . You can contact the team at library @ rcot . co . uk or visit www . rcot . co . uk / practice-resources / libraryresources / about-library .
RCOT announces change to its leadership structure
We have changed our leadership structure , so that we can better focus on our member ’ s needs , deliver on our strategic priorities and live our values .
You might remember that in our January issue , chief executive Steve Ford shared the organisation ’ s new strategy , values and brand ( OTnews , January 2022 , pages 16 to 21 ).
Our vision is that people everywhere value the life-changing power of occupational therapy . Our five-year strategy ( 2022 to 2026 ) will help guide us in our efforts to reach more people and create wider positive impacts , while our values drive us to reach our goals .
Our new leadership structure will position us so that we can grasp the opportunities for occupational therapy and for us as a membership body .
Five new directorates have been created : Movement Building and Membership ; Brand and Marketing ; Practice and Innovation ; Culture and People ; and Operations .
The new leadership structure has our members at its heart , eliminates unnecessary levels of hierarchy , empowers colleagues to make decisions and encourages better cross functional working and strongly and visibly connects professional practice and development .
For more about us visit www . rcot . co . uk / ourleadership-team .
Our new leadership structure will position us so that we can grasp the opportunities for occupational therapy and for us as a membership body .”
14 OTnews April 2022