Other PDFs/Documents doTERRA eBook Internal Use | Page 11

Grapefruit Add 1–2 drops to your water to support a healthy metabolism Frankincense Add 1–2 drops to a veggie capsule to help support healthy cellular function* Dill Add 1–2 drops to herbal tea before bed to help promote restful sleep* Coriander Take a few drops after eating a large meal to help with digestion* Cuminum Coriandrum cyminum mL sativum Coriander Cumin Clove Cinnamon Place one drop in tea or hot water and drink slowly to soothe an irritated throat* Cassia Ward off hunger cravings and aid digestion by adding 1–2 drops of Cassia (with a little Lemon oil) in a glass of water Black Pepper Add to soups, entrées, meats, and salads, to enhance the flavor and aid in digestion* Cilantro Cassia Now that you’ve learned all about internal use of essential oils, are you ready to get started? Below are some Basil Add to your favorite Italian dishes for a refreshing, complimentary flavor specific suggestions for effective methods of internal use. Effective methods for internal application Bergamot Place a few drops in your regular tea to create Earl Grey Cardamom Add to bread, salads, and meat for flavor and to soothe occasional stomach discomfort* Cilantro Add to salads, dips, marinades, and stir fry for flavor* Clove Take in veggie capsules to support cardiovascular health* Cumin Add 1–3 drops to soups, stews, and curries for a warm, spicy flavor Fennel Place one drop in tea or water to help fight sweet tooth cravings Ginger Add to your favorite sweet and savory dishes for flavor Lavender Take internally to reduce anxious feelings*