Other PDFs/Documents doTERRA eBook Aromatic Use | Page 5

The chemical structure of essential oils
of the brain that regulates our sense of smell . The olfactory system is connected to the limbic system where emotions and memories are stored .
When using essential oils aromatically , the scent travels through the nose to the olfactory system where it is processed , and then travels through the olfactory nerve to the limbic system . In the limbic system , the scent triggers responses in the brain based on memories and experiences . Because of these reactions in the brain , essential oils have a particularly powerful effect when applied aromatically . Due to the volatility of essential oils , aromatic use of essential oils is the most effective application method — the oil user can experience the benefits of a scent quickly and conveniently . When using essential oils aromatically , they are easily inhaled and absorbed through the respiratory tract and lungs , and then circulated through the blood stream .
As we breathe in the scent of an essential oil , it triggers specific reactions based on our own individual emotions , behaviors , memories , and experiences . This is why aromatic use is such a big part of mood management — reactions in the brain cause physiological reactions that can alter and improve mood .

The chemical structure of essential oils

You might be wondering , “ How does an essential oil provide calming , uplifting , or energizing feelings ?” Due to their chemical makeup , in most cases , essential oils can be classified as having uplifting or calming effects . See how the chemical structure of plants and essential oils allow them to provide specific uplifting , calming , and mood-altering properties .
Mint : Commonly known to be uplifting and energizing due to a high concentration of ketones Floral : Typically composed of monoterpene alcohols , which provide calming characteristics
Tree , herb , and grass : Primarily include sesquiterpines , oxides , and esters , which help promote soothing , grounding emotions and feelings of renewal
Citrus : Contain chemical components like beta-pinene , monoterpenes , and limonene , which contain significant uplifting characteristics
Spice : Phenols provide warming properties

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Melaleuca alternifolia


Main chemical component :

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TERPINEN-4-OL- powerful cleanser

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