OSSV BOOK 3 BOOK DESIGN (4).compressed | Page 41

Hilal Al-Maqbali Graduated from RMIT University The gain of fulfilment, the moments of effort and the conspicuous cooperation, with all these traits, the Omani graduates keep heading towards achievement. One of those successful students is D. Hilal Al-Maqbali, assistant lecturer at Sohar College of Applied Sciences and the Head of Board of Directors of Tamkeen Company for Infor- mation Technology Consultancy. His successful contribution as the head of Omani Students Society of Victoria (OSSV), has equipped him with the skills and experience needed to be a successful leader. He described his contribution at OSSV as a significant addition through the following words: "While the PhD journey has developed my academic skills, OSSV has promot- ed many of my skills such as leadership, project management, communication and public relations skills". He also appreciated the Omani students' cooperation in gener- al and the members of board of directors of OSSV in particular. To him, these mem- bers played a key role in bringing success to OSSV. 16 1