OSSV BOOK 3 BOOK DESIGN (4).compressed | Page 39

Hussain Mubarak Sa’ed Al Amri PHD student at blood and immunity diseases Hussein’s professional journey in medical sciences started as soon as he finished high school in 1991, where he joined the institute of health sciences majoring in medical laboratory science. After graduating with a high diploma in the above major, Hussein was employed in the Depart- ment of Laboratory of Blood diseases and blood bank for 3 years, after which he moved to work in Samayel hospital. In appreciation of his hard work he was also promoted in his job and as such became an Officer in charge of the Medical Laboratory in the hospital. In 1999, Hussain got a scholarship to do a Bachelor degree in biomedical science in Cardiff University in the United Kingdom. He excelled in his studies at Cardiff and as a result he was awarded a scholarship to do a Masters degree in Blood and immunity diseases. Hussein finally graduated with honors in 2004 and went back home to work as a lecturer in the institute of health sciences. In 2006/2007 he also received a scholarship to complete a Masters degree in medical education in Dundee University in Scotland. One of Hussein’s prominent achievements was the establishment of the blood bank in Samayel hospital. The idea of having a blood bank in Samayil hospital, as Hussein says, started when one day there was a desperate need for blood transfer for an old patient whose blood type was rare and as such was not readily available in the hospital at the time. This emergen- cy situation had affected Hussain emotionally and because of it he had the determination to start a blood bank in his local hospital which he believed would help other patients in need. Hussein’s professional and research journey is ongoing and he is currently working on a PhD research project focusing blood and immunity diseases. 18 1