Osmania Engineers Osmania Engineer | Page 9

( Prof . S . Ramachandram )

Prof . S . Ramachandram

Vice Chancellor , Osmania University


It gives me immense pleasure and pride to give the introductory message for the souvenir released on the occasion of GLOBAL ALUMNI MEET 2016 , which is back again this year and has carved a niche for itself as being the largest alumni reunion .
Global Alumni Meet is a wonderful platform for the alumni where they can contribute by being role models , to connect and interact with students and inspire them to work towards their future endeavours and helping them shape their careers . I can strongly perceive the great work done by the Alumni Association of UCE OU in such a short span of time . This association has taken up many initiatives like OUCE strategic planning for the next five years-SWOT analysis and TNA , official e-mail id rollout to students , faculty and also to the alumni to help communicate and collaborate . They have also organised Alumni Talks in which our distinguished alumni shared the recent happenings , trends , break throughs and discoveries in the research / industry along with their own experiences with the world .
I wish to congratulate the team of OSMANIA ENGINEERS souvenir who sparked the vision of bringing this souvenir into existence . I take this opportunity to extend my wishes to the Members of Alumni Association OUCE and wish them all success in their future activities .
I thank all alumni who have been the part the previous meets and whole heartedly invite all of them as well as new ones to the Global Alumni Meet 2016 . Hope we all stay connected and make this monumental event a huge success .
( Prof . S . Ramachandram )