Osmania Engineers Osmania Engineer | Page 35


OUCEAA Activities

Alumni Office Bringing us all together to where we once belonged

Osmania University College of Engineering has over 25,000 Alumni , and most of them are actively taking part in the association initiatives and campus activities every year . With the Alumni Association ’ s activities shifting their speeds to higher gears , a facility devoted exclusively to alumni affairs has become a pre-requisite .
The space towards the left of the Central Quadrangle in the main building adjoining the Assembly Hall has been reassigned to the Alumni Association and has been renovated . Construction of the new alumni office took off in the month of February , 2016 and is nearly completed and ready for its launch and occupancy from 25th December 2016 onwards .
• A dedicated alumni reception area
• A front office and a sitting area
• A 25-seat meeting room for alumni
• 7 workstations
• 2 office cabins
• Indoor pantry area
The new Alumni Office is more than just a new space . It ' s a gift to our graduates in honour of all of their achievements . Situated in the University College of Engineering campus , it ' s a home away from home for thousands of our alumni .
“ We ’ ve outgrown that space ,” said Dr . D . Vijay Kumar , General Secretary of the Alumni Association . “ There wasn ’ t a real home . There wasn ’ t a place where they could go to , when alumni came back to the campus .”
The office will help in meeting the needs of the alumni association as it moves towards new goals . The centre will provide general information for alumni , prospective students and working space for Association office staff . It will also include interactive displays on the College ’ s history and memories of the alumni .
“ Our alumni have great passion towards the College and would love to stay connected online and in person , that is something the alumni centre will facilitate ,” said Mr . R . V . Ramamohan Rao , President of the Alumni Association , “ the College authorities have also been magnanimous enough to offer the space which reiterates the importance attached to alumni by the Institution .”
Current plans include a complete renovation of the space using reclaimed wood from unused and broken furniture at the College and the creation of new facilities , including :