Osmania Engineers Osmania Engineer | Page 28


OUCEAA Activities

Strategic Planning for OUCE

Upon the request of Prof . S . Ramachandram , Principal of University College of Engineering ( OUCE ), the alumni of the Institution , Dr . D . Vijay Kumar ( ECE 88 ) and Mr . Pradeep Kumar Nimma ( EEE 06 ), on behalf of the Alumni Association , have embarked on a journey to consult and facilitate the institution in preparing Strategic Plan for the next five and ten years .
As a first step , SWOT Analysis was performed to understand the operating environment by identifying the internal strengths , weaknesses of the institution and the external opportunities , threats for the institution .
The study was divided into two phases . In the first phase , focused groups of various stakeholders were formed to understand the SWOT elements through Brain Storming sessions with Faculty , Students , Alumni and Industry representatives . Strengths and Weakness were identified for six major categories namely Curricular Aspects , Teaching-Learning & Evaluation , Student Support & Progression , Research Consultancy and Extension , Infrastructure and Learning Resources , Organization and Management .
In the second phase , an online survey was conducted for all the stake holders and the results were statistically analyzed . The survey questions were based on the SWOT elements identified in Phase one .
As next step , Training Needs Analysis ( TNA ) is being conducted for the Faculty .