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to share healthy microbiomes to those in need from initial studies on genetic factors in eases; genomic information privacy; commu- — including migrants. schizophrenia and bipolar disorder could nication about prenatal and newborn genomic come out as early as next year. testing results; and the impact of genomics in LEARN MORE The VA claims its genome database will be the largest of its kind and a key to THE MICROBIOME AND HEALTHCARE American Indian and Alaskan Native communities. predicting diseases and finding cures. Think about it: these studies and projects could Creating these large databases of genetic impact public policy and guidelines for the information can help change medical research. future. LEARN MORE LEARN MORE STUDIES ON THE ETHICAL, LEGAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT OF GENOMIC INFORMATION DATA FARMING AND AGRICULTURE This May, the National Institutes of Health “on-farm” decisions by combining large data Healthcare is always changing. Quality of life, long-term care, and research are all driven by data that helps users learn as much as possible — about a disease, a patient, a cure. One project that sparked interest and is quite timely is how immigrants currently in the U.S. are helping scientists to understand how “gut bacteria” can be contagious. A graduate student THE HUMAN GENOME PROJECT AT THE VA in computational biology at the University of The Human Genome Project was an Minnesota is gathering data about the human international, scientific research project microbiome: the bacteria that live all over our developed to determine the sequence of bodies, but mostly within our digestive tract. nucleotide base pairs that make up human The Human Microbiome Project, launched in 2008 by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, has been studying this topic for years, but DNA, and to identify and map all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and a functional standpoint. Pretty big project! From sharing information in agriculture and biodiversity domains to being able to make not with immigrants and / or refugee The main goals were to provide an accurate issued four new grants to support research on sources with advanced crop and environmental communities. People who live in different parts sequence of the three-billion DNA ba se pairs the ethical, legal, and societal questions raised models, farmers are able to increase of the world have different guts, and there is that make up the human genome, and also to by genome research and the availability of its production, cut costs, and make plans for a theory developing that one can “catch” a bad find all of the estimated 20,000 to 25,000 information. future planting. microbiome. Apparently, when a person moves, human genes. By doing this, researchers can Researchers at interdisciplinary centers will Complex data and crop health variability are their microbiome can change and can change to use DNA information to help develop new ways receive funding through the National Human classic examples of Big Data sources used in the match those of the people they are surrounded to treat, maybe cure, and even prevent disease. Genome Research Institute’s (NHGRI) Centers agro-produce industry. Big Data in agriculture by. So, if you go to a place where the general The Million Veteran Program is one of several of Excellence in Ethical, Legal and Social is offering farmers a way to make better microbiome is not healthy, you could “catch” projects in the world aiming to collect human Implications Research (CEER) program to study business decisions by providing smart tools that microbiome. genetic data and to store one million veterans’ the potential societal implications of genomic to help their development and production information and research. The projects will processes. Some of the big-name farms are examine the use of genomic information in the now “mapped” with GPS coordinates so that prevention and treatment of infectious dis- farmers can monitor, in real time, where seeds But don’t put off that vacation to a far-off land just yet; research is still ongoing in this area. There’s a chance that scientists may find a way 8 | CURRENT SPRING 2017 genomes by 2020. By collecting blood from veterans, the VA is using data in studies ranging from mental health to heart disease. Results Stronger Together | 9