Big Data: What’s New and
What’s Cool
Three questions come to mind when we hear
the term “Big Data.” What is it, really? Who
uses it? And, what are they doing with it?
Big Data is comprised of the three Vs: Volume, Velocity,
and Variety. Volume refers to the amount of data; variety
refers to the number of types of data; and velocity refers
to the speed of data processing. While there are those
that argue that this term is too vague, the three Vs are
still the defining properties of Big Data today.
We wanted to find out what’s really happening in the world of Big Data
— and we found some really cool things going on that can and
will impact most of our lives. Things that can and will impact most of
our lives.
The technical definition of Big Data is “ extremely large data sets that
may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and
associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions. ”
Simply put, Big Data describes any voluminous amount of structured,
semi-structured, and unstructured data that has the potential to be
mined for information.
According to the 3Vs model, the challenges of Big Data management
result when all three properties expand - not just volume - and the
sheer amount of data can be overwhelming on a day-to-day basis for
businesses, researchers, even your healthcare provider. Seeing a trend,
for example, can save a company a lot of money, help save a forest or
provide a new medicine to help cure disease.
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