OSHEAN eCurrent | Page 38

The partnership will include research and Force, aiming to reduce overdose deaths by evaluation collaborations, data exchanges, one-third in three years. public health job placement initiatives, teaching agreements, and technical assistance and con- sultation. In particular, the program will pro- mote opportunities for collaborative research with the Brown School of Public Health faculty and RIDOH staff. This initiative will establish a centralized mechanism for sharing public “The Academic Center partnership strengthens our ties to better translate public health sci- ence into policy and delivery of services across the state,” said Ana Novais, executive director of health, Rhode Island Department of Health. “The collaboration allows us to develop, imple- ment, and evaluate cutting-edge public health health data and information such as www.preventoverdoseri.org, which supports the work of Governor Gina M. Raimondo’s Overdose Prevention and Intervention Task interventions that will help improve health outcomes and build healthier communities in every zip code in Rhode Island.” The Rhode Island Department of Health The Rhode Island Department of Health’s mission is to prevent disease and protect and promote the health and INTERN AT OSHEAN! safety of the people of Rhode Island. @RIHEALTH For more information, please visit: www.health.state.ri.us The OSHEAN Internship program was started in 2012. Our mission is to provide real-life, hands-on experience in a workplace environment from experts in the field. Internships are offered on a year round basis for undergraduate college students. If you have any questions or are interested in interning at OSHEAN, please contact Nimota Garcia, [email protected] LEARN MORE 38 | CURRENT SPRING 2017 Stronger Together | 39