OSHEAN eCurrent | Page 34

RI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (RIDOH) RIDOH: Putting Research into Action While research institutions around the state are involved in the more theoretical aspects of public health, the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is responsible for putting that research into practice. RIDOH is a diverse state agency with broad-ranging public health responsibilities. Because Rhode Island has no local health departments, RIDOH coordinates public health activities across the state. Among its many responsibilities are community health, emergency preparedness and response, environmental regulation, health information and technology, health laboratories, and public health communication. A BLUEPRINT FOR A HEALTHIER STATE To ensure it is serving the state’s citizens effectively, RIDOH recently undertook an intensive process to define the agency’s priorities for public health and established a blueprint for reducing health disparities and achieving health equity in the state. The agency developed a To ensure it is serving the state’s citizens effectively, RIDOH recently undertook an intensive process to define the agency’s priorities for public health and strategic framework that identifies RIDOH’s three broad areas of priority, which include: 1 determinants of health in Rhode Island established a blueprint for reducing health disparities and achieving health equity in the state. Addressing the social and environmental 2 Eliminating the disparities of health and promoting health equity in the state 3 Ensuring access to quality health services for all Rhode Islanders, including the most vulnerable populations 34 | CURRENT SPRING 2017 Stronger Together | 35