OSHEAN eCurrent | Page 26

BROWN UNIVERSITY Pursuing New Frontiers in Particle Physics Research at the Large Hadron Collider The last five years have seen more monumental discoveries in physics than the previous fifty. We have witnessed the discovery of gravitational waves, first predicted by Einstein more than 100 years ago; huge progress has been made in nuclear fusion, paving the way toward potentially solving clean energy needs; and 2012 saw the discovery of the “God Particle,” discussed later in this article. For many, the discoveries made in physics as magnetic fields used to steer them, in laboratories around the world may go order to provide insight into the very nature unnoticed — and even if noticed, few ever of matter. The world’s largest and most truly understand their implications. powerful particle accelerator is located near The people making these headlines include professors Dave Cutts, Ulrich Heintz, Greg Landsberg and Meenakshi Narain of Brown University’s experimental particle physics group. The professors are stationed at Brown, a massive upgrade, and restarted in April of 2015. Research (CERN) and at the LHC Physics tunnel, was created to provide researchers Center (LPC) at Fermilab, near Chicago, IL, with a view of how the universe was fo