OSHEAN eCurrent | Page 30

attacked by Chinese hackers this past August. ation,” said NEIT’s Laflamme. “And by educat- And according to Bloomberg News, Penn State ing students about all aspects of security, like University, which develops sensitive technol- best practices involving passwords, anti-virus ogy for the U.S. Navy, revealed that Chinese software and data protection, we can collec- It’s not simply a matter of making your institution secure for hackers had been sifting through the comput- tively become much more proactive to avoiding zero day exploits, but putting the right program in place for education and preventative measures going forward. The ers of its engineering school for more than two threats and reactive to eliminating them when years before the breach was discovered. necessary.” goal is not only to create policies but also to educate. Educating the Masses to Protect the Institution Jacques Laflamme Chief Information Officer with the New England Institute of Technology (NEIT) So how does an American academic institution manage to secure their intellectual assets when they are expected to be bastions of unfettered collaboration? Unlike corporations Striking a Balance to Protect Innovation As cited by the Privacy Rights Clearing House, (PII) and information from our student learning which dictate what employees can and cannot system,” said NEIT’s Laflamme. do, the relationship between students and their between January 2005 and August 2015 edu- Colleges and universities are also attractive cational institutions were hacked 751 times. targets for hackers both domestically and This number could be viewed as low consider- overseas because of the valuable studies those ing the open environments in which they oper- institutions are conducting. Many U.S. schools ate, with high numbers of unmanaged student are home to sophisticated research programs in devices and proliferation of less intrusive science and engineering and serve as an incu- home institution differs greatly when it comes to access. And relying on an impenetrable shield placed around data, the approach relied upon by private enterprise, is not an option on college campuses for thwarting determined hackers. endpoint controls. In fact, experts say more bator for new or emerging technologies and One proactive approach to cybersecurity that than 30 percent of cyber attackers infiltrate innovation. There are thousands of academic is gaining attention is the concept of preven- networks through a computer that belongs to grants being given to higher education depart- tion, detection and response. This strategy a registered student or university employee . ments to produce new products, drugs and involves closely monitoring the behavior of the Coupled with the decentralized structure of medical device-research materials which are network rather than trying to build a perimeter many institutions, these unique challenges highly sought after in foreign markets. to keep attackers away. Adding additional con- present a formidable challenge when it comes to managing security and compliance on campus. Of course, sec W&