OSD Spring 2014 | Page 6

March 21, 2014 Oregon School for the Deaf Weekly Newsletter Volume 2, Edition 17 wish to promote us. (Editor’s note – flyer is attached at the end of the newsletter.) FOSD Web Search and Shop Fundraiser If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. My information is listed below. By Roshi Shay Thank you, -Jeremias Valencia Executive Director Deaf Sports Academy VP (951)-208-6893 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.dsastars.org FOSD Amazon Fundraiser By Roshi Shay Do you shop online at Amazon? If so, you can ensure that a % of your purchases goes to Friends of OSD as a donation at no extra cost to you. Just go to: smile.amazon.com and select Friends of OSD as your charity. Thank you so much for your support for the students and staff of OSD. FOSD Flower Sales By Sharla Jones Hello to Friends, Family, Supporters of OSD— Friends of OSD (FOSD) is happy to invite you to beautify your living space with lovely flowers, while at the same time helping to support the students and teachers at Oregon School for the Deaf with funds for innovative educational programs. Plant flowers! Do good! Go to our homepage: http://www.flowerpowerfundraising.com/camp aign?q=campaign&campaign_id=18073 Did you know that just by using the search engine http://www.goodsearch.com you can earn money for Friends of OSD? Instead of googling it, Goodsearch it and designate FOSD as the recipient of a penny for each search. There is also an online shopping portal at http://www.goodshop.com Go there, pick a store to shop at online, designate FOSD as your charity and a % of whatever you spend will go to FOSD’s work! Many of your favorite stores (Target, Office Depot, Macy’s, etc.) will donate to FOSD if you shop through Goodsearch. Thanks for considering this. FOSD and Fred Meyer By Roshi Shay YOU CAN HELP FRIENDS OF OREGON SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF EARN DONATIONS JUST BY SHOPPING WITH YOUR FRED MEYER REWARDS CARD! Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Here is how the program works: 1. Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Friends of OSD at www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards. You can search for us by our name or by our nonprofit number 93165. 2. Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping Friends of OSD earn a donation! Oregon School for the Deaf 999 Locust ST NE, Salem, OR 97301-0954 Page 6 Voice – (503) 378-3825 Videophone – (503) 400-6180 Fax – (503) 378-4701