OS Newsletter 2019-2020 | Page 19

19 OS HONORS The Organizational Studies Honors option is designed to enable advanced undergraduate students to gain experience in the design, conduct, and analysis of research on organizations and organizational behavior. The commitment, dedication, and resiliency of this years’ OS Honors students was shown through their hard work on their research and theses. CHARLOTTE HOPPEN The Price of Protection: How Institutional Prestige Prevents Sexual Misconduct on College Campuses Faculty Mentor: Sandra Levitsky “I feel so fortunate to have had this OS honors experience, both as an academic and personally. Completing a research project in a field I am passionate about while being challenged to step outside of my comfort zone has allowed me to grow so much throughout the past year. “ JENNA VARCAK Reciprocation of Favors Between College Students as a Sample Organization Faculty Mentor: Stephanie D. Preston “The honors community has been such a large part of my Michigan experience, and completing an honors thesis has been one of my long-term goals. Through the thesis writing process, I experienced the strong research history at Michigan and grew in my academic abilities. Completing my thesis has left me with the knowledge that I can tackle any challenge and achieve any goal in my future!” Special thanks to OS Honors Advisor, Dr. Lisa Fein