Orthopedics This Month: Spine - Fall 2024 | Page 45

surveys as well as investigations by the inspector general ’ s office of the Health and Human Services Department and Kaiser Family Foundation . The surveys found that unnecessary authorization controls have led to “ serious harm .” The investigations “ strongly suggest that insurers are denying medically necessary health care .”
AMA Board Member Marilyn Heine , M . D . commented , “ Waiting on a health plan to authorize necessary medical treatment is too often a hazard to patient health .”
Dr . Heine continued , “ To protect patient-centered care , the AMA will work to support legal consequences for insurers that harm patients by imposing obstacles and burdens that interfere with medically necessary care .”
The AMA will also remain focused on the information provided by health insurers in prior authorization notifications . Notably , the AMA is prioritizing the need for detailed explanations when access to care is denied .
AMA policy details the information that should be included in the prior authorization denial letters . This includes , per the AMA press release , “ a detailed explanation of denial reasoning , access to policies or rules cited as part of the denial , information needed to approve the treatment , and a list of covered alternative treatments .” This policy is in response to denial processes by health insurers that are “ notoriously opaque , complex , and inconsistent .”
Dr . Heine commented , “ Health insurer denials must not be a mystery to patients and physicians .”
Source : Shutterstock
Dr . Heine continued , “ Without clear information from an insurer on how a denial was determined , patients and physicians are often left to the frustrating guess work of finding a treatment covered by a health plan , resulting in delayed and disrupted care . Transparency in coverage policies needs to be a core value , an essential principle to help patients and physicians make informed choices in a more efficient health care system .” ♦