Ortahisar From Mayor | Page 4

ÜZÜMLÜ CHURCH This church is located in the red valley north of the town also it is 3 km away from the town. It was built into in the form of cones that are independent of each other by carving. Bunch of grapes in to medallions that were looped each other were depicted. Pictures on the walls of this basilical-planned church describes apostles and Cappadocian saints. Pictures were illustrated mutually on walls ,because it shows that the artist who draws these pictures on the walls is paraclete. At the decoration of the apse of the church, Jesus’s the baptist John,and intercessor saints’ pictures were illustrated together. These saints were Saint Prokop Sisinnios and Kriaki Panaskevi whose names were under the pictures. The other name of this church is Stylite Nikitas,because his name was at the inscription text. Decorations are bunch of grapes on the orange color ground. By looking at decoration and colors,it is thought that it was built in 10th century. PANCARLIK CHURCH This church is called as St.Teodora.It is in the north-east of Ortahisar and 4km away from the town center.It was carved into more blunt and wide rock. At the extension of the same rock,there are basilical-planned small chapel,also many spaces carved to the many bases at the foot of hill. During the construction of this church,there are many relief and medallions which were made with rock carving technique. Dwelling figures in these medallions,decorated pictures,and medallions whose surroundings were with bands were painted by iconographic method. ALİ REİS CHURCH This church is called as anonymous church.It took its name from its street.It was constructed as two-storey by carving in to Pyramid rocks.Construction of Ali Reis Church is independent on Greek cross-planned. The upper part of the central dome of the oval was covered with wood. Maybe people went upstairs by using this way. Over the side-arm of the greek cross shown with big pictures was covered with a barrel vault. Entrance of church is in the South of this cross.It has got a single apse,this apse is like horse shoe.At the dome of this church,Jesus and Saint Mary are seen while praying between two angels. At the west wall of this church,there is the chief angel dressed emperor,at the north wall Deissis scene depicted although it is too unclear.One of chief angel is Rafael who is on the right,the other is Uriel who is on the left.it is understood from texts which are stand under these angels.