Ortahisar From Mayor | Page 2

ISHAK CASTLE Ihsak castle is located across Ortahisar castle.It was used for defence and habitat by people. During Fatih period,Ihsak Pasha who was commander of Fatih conquered this castle.then its name was called as Ihsak Pasha. According to another rumor,it is said that there was a tunnel between Ihsak castle and Ortahisar castle.During the war,thanks to this tunnel people could reach Balkan River and to their houses from castle. BALKAN VALLEY AND PIGEONS Balkan Valley is one of the tourism center with pigeons rocks,efficient lands,natural rock formations,churches. In the past these pigeons rocks were used in order to produce pigeon manure.Now they are still used for organic agriculture. Walking tours are being arranged from İbrahim Pasha village to Balkan Valley. Our visitors have got advantage to see all beauties of Cappadocia with Balkan Valley. This valley extends in to İbrahim Pasha village,Balkan churches,Ortahisar Castle and Ürgüp. KIZILÇUKUR VALLEY Red valley has got amazing and effective view especially during the nightfall.In the world there are few places in which they have got amazing landscape like this valley. It is also unique and famous valley in Cappadocia. Structure of these rocks,folds and colours combine with landscape of nightfall. Our visitors have got advantage to live this magic atmosphere with walking roads and churches. HALLAÇ MONASTERY AND CHURCH Hallaç monastery and church is 1 km north of Ortahisar.It was built in to the group of wide and high rocks.Both monastery and church have got unique plan in Cappadocia. It has got difference with equilateral triangle figures as a relief during the contruction of the columns. When it is compared with other structure of buildings,it is a kind of monastery complex. It has got a natural courtyard whose top is open,also there are church and other outbuildings near this courtyard. The complex has got other halls and rooms which were built by carving in to the rocks. The church has got only one dome,also it has got closed greek cross planned,three abscissas,small niche on the right abscissas also a funerary chapel in the middle of niche. In 1960’s a snake figure was seen at the entrance of the place which is in the middle of the courtyard. We called its name as an oldest hospital in the world based on this snake figure.But after many years,this snake figure frayed out because of natural factors.