Orrefors Catalog/NPI - USA | Page 9

New Imagery Throughout the year our marketing team ’ s primary focus has been to implement the new Orrefors graphic profile into all channels . Along with photographers , we have developed new conceptual images and videos to share with you . Not only do we have new beautiful product shots , but also environmental images as well as lifestyle shots in real settings . You can view them on our website , and download them easily from our Asset Bank https :// okb . assetbank-server . com /.
New Copy We are continuously updating our copy and making it more modernized ; both on product level as well as collection level . You can already see this on our website and this material will also be available for you to use on your own website / marketing material . Please reach out to our customer service team at customercare @ orrefors . us for our updated copy texts .
Collections that have received new imagery

Content & Digital Assets

Inspirational assets have never been more crucial

New Imagery Throughout the year our marketing team ’ s primary focus has been to implement the new Orrefors graphic profile into all channels . Along with photographers , we have developed new conceptual images and videos to share with you . Not only do we have new beautiful product shots , but also environmental images as well as lifestyle shots in real settings . You can view them on our website , and download them easily from our Asset Bank https :// okb . assetbank-server . com /.
New Copy We are continuously updating our copy and making it more modernized ; both on product level as well as collection level . You can already see this on our website and this material will also be available for you to use on your own website / marketing material . Please reach out to our customer service team at customercare @ orrefors . us for our updated copy texts .
Collections that have received new imagery
• City
• Informal
• More Barware
• Legend
• Raspberry
• Carat
• Pulse
• Intermezzo
orrefors . us | page 7