Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy November 2013 | Page 7

Christmas Reading Challenge

for Year 7 and Year 8

Congratulations to our

‘Newly Trained Peer Mentors’



•Increasing good behaviour and

managing problem behaviour

•Preparing for dealing with risky situations

•Developing a better relationship with your teenager

Parents/carers who attend the small informal and friendly group setting, gain a wealth of skills and strategies which helped them to manage and improve their teenager's behaviour, which consequently improves family relationships and family life, and ultimately enhances their child’s future success. Starts April 2014.

For more information contact Denver Jones the Academy Counsellor & Mentor on 01922 685 777 Or Email on [email protected].

Peer Mentors have

long been an integral

and well established

part of Shelfield

Community Academy.

The academy is

extremely proud of the

role they play and the positive ethos created

with their good practice.

The Peer Mentor Team has been developed through the early identification of the positive skills and qualities displayed by students within The academy who can lead as positive role models. Once recruited, they are then given specific peer support training by our academy Counsellor and Mentor; Denver Jones, which then allows them to give support and guidance to other students; in particular Year 7’s.

The picture show-cases our ‘newly trained’ group of students, who are: reliable, approachable and always willing to help and are easily identifiable by their distinctive white badges. They have been trained to recognise students who may be feeling vulnerable or simply are in need of a friend. They are not only active listeners but they also work as an advocate for other students and help them to make and maintain positive

relationships. Peer Mentors also help to identify, tackle

and prevent bullying, which not only creates a more positive learning environment, but also ensures students stay safe; socially & emotionally.

Peer Mentors participate in Year 6 and 7 transition activities, such as Primary School Visits and Prospective Parent’s Evenings. They conduct ‘Welcome Assemblies’ for Year 7’s to help them feel less anxious and more settled. These students have, on numerous occasions, been known to go out of their way to support other students on a variety of issues and as a result we would like to say a special ‘Thank-you’ to them and ‘Congratulations’ on the impact of their continued good work.

Denver Jones

Academy Counsellor & Mentor

Read 6 AR Books

before Christmas

Win a chance on the Challenge Raffle

by passing 6 quizzes at 100%

Here's how to take part.....

When you select your reading books try the ones in the Christmas Paper. Have your picture taken opening the ‘present’ showing all the surprise you would when opening presents on Christmas Day.

The next step is to email the picture to Mrs Lewis, read the book, pass the quiz, have it signed off your Challenge card by Mrs Lewis or Miss McGinty and win a prize.