Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy August - October | Page 3

It has been another positive and busy half term for us here at Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy!

As you will be aware, we were visited by Ofsted this October. The inspection findings will be published after half term and we look forward to sharing the findings with you. The feedback from the team was incredibly positive and it was great to have the improvements we have made since January formally acknowledged!

This term the academy launched both the Prefect Team and the Student Leadership team and we are incredibly proud of how students in all seven year groups have embraced the idea of being positive ambassadors for the academy and are wearing their prefect badges with pride.

This half term we also congratulate our Sixth Form Head Girl and Head Boy, Chloe Pinches and Perri Taylor-Finn.

Our open evenings this year were a huge success and we welcomed over eight hundred visitors to the academy. Can I remind parents of students currently in Year 6 that if you wish for your son or daughter to have a place at Shelfield you need to ensure that the online academy admissions form from www.scacademy.co.uk is completed, as well as completing the Local Authority form by the 31st October 2014.

Thank you once again for your continued support in upholding standards - I am confident that the academy is well on its way to achieving an Ofsted ‘good’ rating in 2015.

Paula Ward


A Message from the Principal