Orlando Zuehlke Online Security Leaked NSA point-and-pwn hack tool | Page 5

What ' s rather curious is that a Redmond spokesperson claimed earlier on Friday : " Other than reporters , no individual or organization has contacted us in relation to the materials released by Shadow Brokers ."
In other words , apparently no one privately tipped off Microsoft about the exploited security bugs so that they could be fixed – not the brokers and not the NSA . And yet it now turns out Microsoft quietly patched a bunch of the SMB vulnerabilities exploited by the US spy agency in March this year . And then the Shadow Brokers went public with the SMB exploits exactly a month later . What fortuitous timing for Redmond !
Today , the software giant ' s principal security group manager Phillip Misner said : " Microsoft triaged a large release of exploits made publicly available by Shadow Brokers ... Customers have expressed concerns around the risk this disclosure potentially creates . Our engineers have investigated the disclosed exploits , and most of the exploits are already patched ."
How odd , but also : what a relief . If you want to check which exploits affect which operating systems , someone ' s made a handy table here .