Orient Magazine Issue 83 - August 2021 | Page 32


Message from the Board

Supporting members through Covid

I ’ d like to take a moment to recognise our shared experiences over the past 18 months or so . The impacts on our daily lives , our health and our loved ones , our freedom to move around the globe , our businesses , and our livelihoods have been intense and destabilising . As Singapore approaches a landmark in vaccinations and we watch developments closely around the region for further signs of recovery , my fellow Board members and I would like to thank you for your patience , your incredible support of each other , and above all , your continued support of the Chamber .
We have witnessed a strong sense of community throughout this period among our network , as people face similar issues and challenges in their businesses and industries . We look forward to bringing you together in person when circumstances allow , strengthening these relationships further .
As you will have seen , much of our Covid support is visible to all , such as media articles , survey releases , news updates , maintenance of restriction information , and events . Behind the scenes , conversations regularly occur with representatives from MTI , MOM , Enterprise Singapore and EDB ; using the direct feedback from our sentiment surveys we provide concrete data on how our members are coping through the pandemic . Relevant and timely data of this nature has been appreciated and recognised as helping the Government to make informed decisions .
Conversations are held at three different levels – operationally , where we work to ensure access to Government officials in our activities and answers to your questions ; senior operations , where we flag critical issues and provide urgent support , and at a Ministerial level where I represent the voice of our community as the Chamber President in numerous dialogues .
I look forward to the upcoming next milestone in Singapore ’ s recovery and a return to the days when we can once again make plans for the future , visit our families and meet in person . In the meantime , I encourage members to reach out to the Chamber and Board if you need any support and be assured that we stand ready to help .
Regards ,
Richard Warburton , on behalf of the Board President , British Chamber of Commerce Singapore NEWS