Orgasm By Command PDF EBook Free Download | Lloyd Lester Orgasm By Command PDF EBook Free Download | Page 27
Supercharging Your Ejaculatory Control
1. The treatment provides a PERMANENT cure
instead of just a short-term solution
2. The treatment should be natural and relies on your
body's natural responses to improve your sexual
So which PE treatments are recommended? Let's take a
look below.
Common Premature Ejaculation Treatments
1. Anti-depressants drugs - Most of these
drugs and medications belong to the
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
(SSRIs) family of drugs. Are they worth
your time? Well, these drugs do work,
but they come with unintended
consequences - such as the loss of
libido or even difficulty in ejaculating. You have to
consume these on a daily basis. Plus they don't
work if you take them just before sex. Before
taking on these drugs, it is best that you consult a
doctor about the potential side effects and if they
are the best option for you.
2. Numbing applicators such as creams, lotions and
sprays - These are popular solutions among men
suffering from PE. They do work, but these are
more of temporary quick fixes that do not
The vast majority
of commercial
solutions will NOT
permanently cure
permanently cure your early ejaculation problem.
They can be useful if you need extra endurance at a
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