Organic Beauty Products Are Organic Beauty Products Really Organic | 页面 3

HERE ARE THE BENEFITS OF THE ORGANIC BEAUTY PRODUCTS: 1.Environmental friendly: The organic beauty products are made with natural ingredients, which are grown without harmful pesticides or fertilisers. Organic products keep the soil fertile and the packages are reusable, which helps in restoring the quality of the soil. 2.Good for skin health: Our skin functions like sponge, which absorbs all that it comes across with, be it dust, lotion, sunlight or beauty products. Organic beauty products are light and do not clog the pores of the skin, which let the skin, breathe. The harmful chemicals, which we make our skin exposed to clogs the pores and reacts internally, thus ageing and wrinkles starts reflecting early on the face. Organic beauty products keep the pH level maintained, which is why he skin absorbs the product easily and starts working. 03