Order of Service - GILLAM | Page 3

• The Ode
They have no grave but the cruel sea , No flowers lay at their head . A rusting hulk is their tombstone , Afast on the ocean bed .
They shall grow not old , as we that are left grow old : Age shall not weary them , nor the years condemn . At the going down of the sun and in the morning , We will remember them . Lest we forget .
• The Last Post
• One Minute ’ s Silence
• Reveille
Christine Howard
“ Amazing Grace ” - Australian Defence Forces Band Family and friends to place poppies on Tony ’ s casket

• The Ode

They have no grave but the cruel sea , No flowers lay at their head . A rusting hulk is their tombstone , Afast on the ocean bed .

They shall grow not old , as we that are left grow old : Age shall not weary them , nor the years condemn . At the going down of the sun and in the morning , We will remember them . Lest we forget .

• The Last Post

• One Minute ’ s Silence

• Reveille

Closing Words

Christine Howard


“ Amazing Grace ” - Australian Defence Forces Band Family and friends to place poppies on Tony ’ s casket