Order of Service - COUGHRAN | Page 8

Service Conducted by Rev ’ d Marie Ellison , Rev ’ d John Stanley and Rev ’ d Dr Bill Stewart
St James Anglican Church , New Town Thursday , 21 January 2021
Diane and family would like to thank you for sharing this special time with them this afternoon ; your attendance and support is greatly appreciated . Thank you to everyone who has made today a special celebration of Chris ’ life among us .
Following the service the family invite you to join them for some light refreshments in the church hall .

Service Conducted by Rev ’ d Marie Ellison , Rev ’ d John Stanley and Rev ’ d Dr Bill Stewart

St James Anglican Church , New Town Thursday , 21 January 2021

Diane and family would like to thank you for sharing this special time with them this afternoon ; your attendance and support is greatly appreciated . Thank you to everyone who has made today a special celebration of Chris ’ life among us .

Following the service the family invite you to join them for some light refreshments in the church hall .

Music and Literary Works copied for this service are done under licence with OneMusic Australia , ARIA and Copyright Agency .