Order of Service - COUGHRAN | Page 6

Our Father in heaven , Hallowed be your name . Your kingdom come , Your will be done on earth , as it is in heaven . Give us today our daily bread . And forgive us our sins , as we forgive those who sin against us . And lead us not into temptation , but deliver us from evil : For yours is the kingdom , and the power , and the glory , forever . Amen .

The Lord ’ s Prayer

Our Father in heaven , Hallowed be your name . Your kingdom come , Your will be done on earth , as it is in heaven . Give us today our daily bread . And forgive us our sins , as we forgive those who sin against us . And lead us not into temptation , but deliver us from evil : For yours is the kingdom , and the power , and the glory , forever . Amen .

Farewell and Committal

The Blessing and Dismissal

Closing Music

“ Battle Hymn of the Republic ” - RAN Band ( Generations of Swing )