Orchestration Software in the Mega Data Center Orchestration Software in the Mega Data Center | Page 5

Microsoft Data Center Container Area in Chicago. 44 Microsoft 45 Advantages of Using Containers 46 Orchestration Software Used to Create Containers 47 Disadvantages of Using Containers 48 Advantages of Virtual Machines 49 Container Orchestration 50 Use of Containers Eliminate Manual Process 51 IT Pros Increasingly Turn to Chef and Puppet 52 Hardware Containers Do Not Scale 53 Facebook Data Center Positioning 54 IBM Data Center Orchestration Software Automates Application Integration 55 Docker Orchestration & Docker Swarm 56 Docker Container Platform 57 Common Feature Sets For Orchestration Tools 58 Not all Orchestrators Are Created Equal 59 AWS Cloud Container Adoption Criteria 60 AWS Cloud Adoption Methodology 63 AWS Cloud Adoption Framework 64 AWS Market Leader In Cloud Computing 65 Facebook Fabric and Node are Core Structures Leveraging Software Orchestration 66 Apache Mesos Orchestration Software 67 Google Kubernetes Container 68 Google Container Builder Step Toward Building Pluggable Components in a Pipeline 69 Google Programmable Access To Network Stack 70 Google Andromeda Software Defined Networking (SDN)- 71 Follow Us: