Orality Journal Volume 3, Number 1, 2014 | Page 21

Telling God’s Story to the Sweater People 19 Telling God’s Story to the Sweater People Amber Alexander Amber Alexander has lived overseas and is currently living in a city in United States. Amber, a pseudonym for security purposes, together with her husband intentionally serves difficult to reach high caste Indians living in the USA. I n September 2004, my teammate and I boarded a plane headed from the U.S. to an unreached people group living in the Himalaya Mountains. Due to the sensitivity of this area, and the extreme violence that both workers and new believers have faced, I will refer to this people group as the Sweater People and testify how I saw God’s story touch the hearts of these people. of the organizations. There were several other One Story teams who trained with us and were sent out to other unreached people Our project was called One Story. We were encouraged and equipped to do this task by the International Mission Board, YWAM, Campus Crusade for Christ, Wycliffe, and Trans World Radio. We were trained before we went to our people group and trained every few months in church planting, translation, team building, language learning, and audio recording, among other things. We also received ongoing mentoring and inspiration by each groups. These teams were a great encouragement to us as we faced difficulties along the way. Our goal was to live among the Sweater People, learn about them, and love them. We were to find a person of peace who would help us develop a Chronological Bible Story Set which would be filled with stories that would both touch the hearts and needs of the Sweater People and give them a biblical worldview.