Orality Journal Volume 3, Number 1, 2014 | Page 14
Orality Journal, Volume 3, Number 1, 2014 Barfoot, MacIlvaine, Ballard
fears, attitudes, or behaviors that
are obstacles to learning.
dissonant with their previous
knowledge. Adopting revisions
to prior knowledge is easier when
a student can collaborate with
esteemed peers who are likewise
engaged in the process.
The goal of andragogy is to move
from teacher-reliance to learnercentered education. This goal is
more attainable in the information
The learning cohort is a valuable
age than ever before. It is impossible
in this era to rely solely upon
construct for accomplishing
professional educators to be
a n d ra g o g y
the authorities in a field of The goal of
utilizes constructivist
knowledge that they once andragogy is
learning theory. Within
were. Adult students today to move from
a cohort, students
are not seeking the wise
form a learning team
man on the mountaintop to learner-centered where each contributes
as much as they are asking education.
information processed
through a life-filter to
for an expedition guide for
enhance the others’ understanding.
navigating their own journey.
The instructor(s) gives additional
Constructivist Learning Theory
information and insight as the
states that students learn best by
facilitator of deeper discussion
constructing their own knowledge
and learning experiences.
with assistance from a guide to help
in the process. Simply put, this is
My (MacIlvaine) first experience
the difference between hearing a
with cohort-based education took
professor lecture on a topic and the
place in June 2006 when I joined the
student going through the process
Dallas Theological Seminary Large
Church cohort for my first DMin
of preparing a lesson to teach on
class. I fell in love with the process.
that topic.
Each member of my cohort was a
The focus of a constructivist
fellow pastor or parachurch leader who
learning environment is problem
ministered in his or her local church.
solving. Several methods can
Each member had extensive life
change outside professional ministry
be employed to ask questions,
investigate a subject, and locate
that ranged from military to industry
resources for solutions. As learners
And of course each person had an
obtain new information, they
interesting story to tell of God’s grace
determine if it is consonant or
in times of challenge and heartache.