The 'EBacc' is the term applied to a specific selection of qualifications at GCSE. At Diss High School, we feel this would be the appropriate combination of courses for students who wish to continue on to study academic A-levels and progress on to university courses in the future. In order to achieve the English Baccalaureate students will need to achieve a 'good' pass in English, Mathematics, two Sciences, History OR Geography and a Language.
This year we are offering two different EBACC pathways for students to choose from:
EBACC Pathway A:
Having this suite of qualifications will no doubt aid your child in the future and help give them a broad curriculum base for further education choices.
We offer the following 'Ebacc' subjects:
* English (Language & Literature)
* Mathematics
* Combined and separate Sciences
* Computer Science
* History or Geography
* Languages (French or Spanish)
Across the two years of study, students will have five hours a fortnight allocated to the study of the Humanities and Languages. The following pages give an overview of Computer Science, History, Geography and Languages (French & Spanish).
The English Baccalaureate