Options Booklet 2024-2026 | Page 6


Head of Department: Mr K Storey

Mathematics is studied by all pupils to examination level. There is no coursework; pupils are assessed by three 90-minute examinations at the end of the course. 

We have developed an inspiring, motivating, and coherent mathematics curriculum for the entire ability range. It emphasises and encourages:

* Sound understanding of concepts

* Fluency in procedural skill

* Competency to apply mathematical skills in a range of contexts

* Confidence in mathematical problem solving. 

The curriculum provides a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study. It encourages learners to develop confidence in, and a positive attitude towards mathematics and to recognise the importance of mathematics in their own lives and to society. It also provides a strong mathematical foundation for learners who go on to study mathematics at a higher level, post-16.  There are three Assessment objectives in Mathematics. These are detailed in the table below: 


The three examinations consist of one non-calculator paper and two calculator papers. Therefore, it is essential that students have a scientific calculator for this course, ideally a Casio fx-83GT, along with the usual expectations of a pen, pencil, ruler, and eraser. We also encourage students to have their own angle measurer/protractor and a pair of compasses.