Physical Education
The course also includes the theoretical study of:
The skeleton, muscles, cardiovascular and respiratory systems and how they impact on a healthy lifestyle; the components of Health and Skill and how they can be improved; factors affecting participation (i.e. race, gender, provision); acquisition of skill in terms of how we can best learn and improve.
20% Practical:
Pupils assessed on their ability to perform in two different activities.
10% Coursework:
Pupils will complete an analysis task
70% Theory:
Pupils will sit an external exam at the end of Year 11
Head of Department: Mr J Kemp
All pupils will follow the National Curriculum for Physical Education. Pupils will have two lessons per week in Year 10 and only one in Year 11.
In Year 10, one block of lessons will allow pupils to select from a range of activities including dance, trampolining, basketball, volleyball, table-tennis, rugby and aerobics. Pupils will also have to follow a set programme of football/ netball or hockey where they will be expected to develop higher level skills and tactics.
All pupils will complete a health and fitness based programme where they will develop their ability to plan and improve their own health.
Pupils will also be encouraged to complete award schemes like the Sports Leader Award and be given the opportunity to attain coaching and officiating awards where possible.
The Year 11 programme will include a mix of option choices and major games alongside a Fitness Programme.
GCSE Physical Education
Pupils may opt to take GCSE Physical Education following the OCR syllabus. This course requires pupils to have a genuine passion for sport and be able to perform in a variety of sporting contexts. Pupils also need to realise that over half of the course will be assessing their understanding of how and why we participate in sport and these sessions will be classroom based. Pupils can be assessed in a variety of sports including the major games, dance, swimming, gymnastics and trampolining.