The Option Subjects
Those following EBACC Pathways A&B will also select, alongiside their Humanities/Language choices either TWO or THREE other subjects (and TWO reserves) from the OPEN Choices:
Tech Award in Enterprise
BTEC Tech Award in Travel & Tourism
Health and Fitness
Physical Education (GCSE)
Child Development
Information Technology
Art and Design
Design Technology
Hospitality and Catering
Media Studies
Film Studies
Computer Science
All subjects from the open choices are allocated five hours a fortnight over the two years.
As you can see, your child, should they wish to, can opt to study both languages and/or both humanities should they wish to.
We ask that when selecting their choices pupils pick FOUR subjects from the OPEN Choices in order of preference. In general, we would hope to satisfy the first TWO preferences, with choices three and four. being 'reserves'.
It is important to think carefully about choosing your reserve subjects - remember that you could find yourself studying one of these if a first or second choice is cancelled because of low numbers opting for it.
Application Process:
We are continuing with previous changes to how the options process works and giving pupils, with their parents, the opportunity to submit their applications ‘online’.
All students will go to a computer suite with their tutor group and will be shown how to access the system so they can select their choices. Students may find they have slightly different screens to each other, this is because here at Diss High School we recognise that one size does not fit all.
Further to the guidance given in the options presentation on the website and at the back of this booklet, there is a ‘How to’ instruction sheet explaining the process.
If you are having any problems using the system and need some further guidance or support please contact Dr Busby, Mr Adamson or Miss Pittman and we will help you in making the choices on the system.