Options Booklet 2024-2026 | Page 11


Head of Department: Mr M McPhail

It’s the future that is so important, so why should we study the past?

“Good question, so why should YOU study History..?”

There are many reasons why people study History. However, there’s one simple reason as to why History is interesting: everything has a history: ideas, wars, numbers, races, windsurfing, coal miners, pencils, motherhood and yes, even Diss High School. Every single person has a history, something that has made us who we are, what we believe in and how we, as human-kind, have evolved through time. The study of History is therefore to know ourselves. Of course there are other reasons to study History: to find out about the modern world, to understand why people behaved in a certain way, to develop our skills in thinking and formulating arguments and, perhaps most importantly, it’s FUN!


“How will knowing about the past prepare me for my future..?”

History is not just about knowing what has already happened, interesting though that is. It is also a way to develop important life skills, such as the power of analysis, forming opinions and communicating ideas; there is not one job which does not require you to think or communicate. After all, it’s no good having good ideas if you can’t communicate them. That’s why employers look positively on those students who have studied History, and there are many jobs available to those who have e.g. in journalism, law, teaching, writing, politics and the media industry, to name but a few.

“What will I study in History at GCSE..?”

Your two year journey into the past will answer a range of questions such as "Why on earth would someone have voted for Adolf Hitler to be leader." (Germany 1890-1945) to "What exactly is a cold war?" (Conflict & Tension 1945-72) to "Why did England have a Norman King in 1066?" (The Normans 1066-1100) and "How have we aquired so many rights as a nation when 100 years ago many women were not even allowed to vote?" (Power and the People). This leads to two AQA exams at the end of Year 11, each worth 50% of the grade.

“Will I be successful in History..?”

There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be! The topics are interesting, the teaching and learning atmosphere is relaxed yet professional, and this results in consistently good grades. So, if you are motivated to do well in a subject where you will be challenged, well taught, supported and equipped with the skills for the future, then you will be successful in History!