Options booklet 2020-2021 | Page 25

The GCSE specification allows students the opportunity to consider a range of concepts from a predominantly analytical perspective . There will be a chance to explore media products from a number of different industry sectors , with a particular focus on the following key concepts : � How representations of people , places and events are created within media products . � How products are developed and distributed by organisations before being consumed by audiences . � How information is communicated to audiences within a product and how ‘ meanings ’ are created during production processes .
Assessment of the course is mainly through examination ( 70 % of total grade ), although there is also a controlled assessment element ( 30 %). The three components focus on the following :
Component 1 - Exploring the Media Written examination : 1 hour 30 minutes - 40 % of qualification ( 80 marks )
This component provides a foundation for analysing media products , introducing learners to media language and representation through the study of print media forms . Learners will develop their ability to analyse media language , representations and meanings in a range of media products . In addition , learners will study products from specific media industries and audiences to develop their knowledge and understanding of those areas of the theoretical framework . Learners will also begin to explore how media products reflect , and are influenced by , the social , cultural , historical and political contexts in which they are produced .
Component 2 - Understanding Media Forms and Products Written examination : 1 hour 30 minutes - 30 % of qualification ( 60 marks )
This component builds on the introduction to key areas of the theoretical framework provided in component 1 . In Component 2 , learners will gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of media language and representation , as well as extending their appreciation of these areas through the study of media industries and audiences . Learners will also develop knowledge and understanding of how relevant social , cultural , political and historical contexts of media influence media products .
Component 3 - Creating Media Products Non-exam assessment : internally assessed and externally moderated by WJEC - 30 % of qualification ( 60 marks )
This component draws together knowledge and understanding of the media theoretical framework gained throughout their course by requiring learners to apply their knowledge and understanding of the media synoptically through practical production . In Components 1 and 2 , learners gain a detailed understanding of media language , representation and audience in relation to a range of media forms . In this component , learners must apply their knowledge and understanding of media language and representation to an individual media production for an intended audience in response to a choice of briefs set by the exam board .
Contact Staff : Mr Owen