Optical Lens Material Market 2021 April 2017 | Page 2

Global Optical Lens Material Market Optical lens material market is growing steadily on account of the growing old age population suffering from refractive errors. Today the eye problem is also very common in young age people which prefer for better quality contact lenses. Therefore, leading contact lens manufacturers are growing their market both in developed and developing countries which is leading the growth in material market. According to Analytics research report, “Global Optical Lens Material Market: Analysis By Type (Soft Lens, Gas Permeable Lens), By Material (Silicone hydrogel, Fluoro-Silicone Acrylate, Hydrogel, PMMA), By Region, By Country (2016-2021) – By Region (North America, Europe, APAC, ROW); By Country (U.S., Canada, Germany, U.K., China, India, Japan, Brazil, U.A.E)”, Global Optical Lens Material market is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.76% during 2016 - 2021. On the basis of market segment, Global Optical Lens Market has been segmented on (By Types: Soft Contact Lens, Gas Permeable Contact Lens; By Material: Silicone Hydrogel, Fluoro-silicone acrylate, PMMA; By Region: North America, Europe, APAC, and ROW; By Country: U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, China, Japan, India, Brazil, U.A.E.). 172 Pages Report is Available @ http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/959971-global-optical- lens-material-market-analysis-by-type-soft-lens-gas-permeable-lens-by-material-silicone-hydrogel- fluoro-silicone-acrylate-hydrogel-pmma-by-region-by-country-2016-2021-by-region-north-am-l- uae.html . Order this report by calling +1 888 391 5441 or Send an email to [email protected] with your contact details and questions if any. © ReportsnReports.com / Contact [email protected] 2