OpinionMaster July 2013 Vol-1 | Page 7

Frequently , the social workers themselves will take as their own foster children some of the children they remove from parents . Tens of thousands of teachers , kindergarten personnel , health workers , etc ., report their “ worry ” over this and that child to the CPS . The court procedures are those of kangaroo courts . No matter how well those of us fight against this are able to document the disastrous effects on the lives of both parents and the children , all the changes in legislation and procedures keep going in the wrong direction : The children are the property of the state and every parents who questions anything is accused of being an ill-doer and a danger to his / her children .
While explaining about confidentiality – Ms Marianne Haslev Skánland writes – Norwegian state is trying to blackmail everyone to shut up about Norwegian child “ protection ” atrocities as a condition of letting the Indian children out of their clutches . That way Norway can a ) have the case die down by letting the children return to India . b ) Prevent outspoken comments abroad and avoid several of these countries perhaps joining forces . C ) still continue to protect its “ social services ” – an industry feeding tens of thousands of people doing unproductive “ work ”, and d ) avoid having to face heaps of other cases quite similar to the shivnager / Kolkata one , some involving Norwegian families some foreign families . She quotes cases of Domenic Johansen and Redd Váre Barn ” for further proof of CPS impunity and obduracy in continuing to hold on to biased unfair definitions and perspectives of children welfare and decrepit concept of state intervention .
Notwithstanding intent and zealousness of bureaucracy in upholding interests of its clients . The obduracy with which the procedures are being applied and followed has given regulations some sort of a mephisthelian demeanor . There is a need for looking into alternatives to state intervention , especially where crosscultural social services are concerned . Given the globalization process that needs to be strengthened its only prudent that we work to collaborate and come up with an alternative which involves greater accountability and transparency when it comes to social service provisioning to citizens irrespective of the nationalities and race or other differences we are borne with .
Sources :
• Domenic Johansen - http :// www . nkmr . org / english /% 20dominic _ johansson _ case _ hom e- schooled _ boy _ snatched _ from _ p lane . htm
• Redd Vare Barn - http :// www . nkmr . org / english /% 20dominic _ johansson _ case _ hom e- schooled _ boy _ snatched _ from _ p lane . htm
• The Hindu – www . thehindu . in

Right to Self- Defence

Published on : 21 August 2012 on organizebahujan . opinionmaster . co . in
f the many rights that have been granted in India , One that is more pertinent than