OpinionMaster July 2013 Vol-1 | Page 5

success of such venture hinges on people support so ; the resettlement should be given the greatest attention to details .
We have the expertise and the skills required for the project , The right minds are alive and willing , the government should give it a try . The success of this project will bring hope for other States of Indian Union grappling with inter-state river disputes .
Sources : Wikipedia , the Hindu , frontline , NDTV , Times Now

Obdurate Bureaucracy

Published on 31 January 2012 on organizebahujan . opinionmaster . co . in

I t ’ s time for us to reflect on the evolving times we live in . The most conspicuous state institution that has altered our lives in 20 th and first decade of 21 st Century is the Bureaucracy . In this article we will chronicle a series of expressions by experts in Social welfare who attempt to highlight successfully the bureaucratic subterfuge the citizen is made to face , all in the name of “ best Interests ” of the child .

The Hindu – News daily in India , reporting on the plight of labourers who anxiously wait outside office Child Welfare Committee ( CWC ) for reclaiming their children who have been earlier captured or taken away by the zealous staff of CWC . The report says “ The CWC , functioning under the department of social defence has the primary function of caring for “ neglected ” and
“ abandoned ” children . Personnel from Juvenile Aid Protection Unit rescue such children and bring them to CWC , in addition to NGOs and other citizens contacting the child helpline . Sources in the unit said as many as 318 children were rescued in 2011 and in 2012 so far , 49 children have been rescued .”
“ Every day about three to four beats ( teams of two members of the unit ) set out on “ rounds ” at different spots , such as railways stations , bus terminus , or busy market areas . “ We look for children in rags or without slippers , dressed in rags or those who look helpless . I have been motivating my teams to rescue at least one could every day ,” said an official .” The report said .
Throwing light on the verification process when parents claim their children the report said “ The CWC follows a detailed procedure , involving enquiries on the child parents and background and whether he / she was going to school . The CWC may be justified in adopting a thorough procedure to verify the identity of parents to ensure the child , when returned , would be taken care of well and provided education , but the process of this verification is not only slow , but also ambiguous in some parents ’ view . Indefinite waits on the premises , inadequate information and language barriers only make their situation worse .”
The Juvenile Justice ( care and protection ) Act permits state intervention in cases where children are in need of care and protection and seeks to provide for a system which will protect the best interests of the children . The Act enumerates various categories where