OpinionMaster July 2013 Vol-1 | Page 3


Furthering reach of the expanding readership of OpinionMaster we are going forward to introduce the Print Version of the legacy started with modesty .
A printed version was being discussed within OpinionMaster circles for few years now , finally out of closet , we are bringing a Introductory Copy of article published online on blogs of OM Media Organization .
The magazine is edited by Policy Science Students and Practitioners , Politicians and Freelance Writers .
Our effort will be to look deeper on issues that are most important in larger context of Human Civilization and Internationalism .
Also invite Freelance Photographers and Writers to submit their contributions for consideration onto this Magazine .
Remunerations are not possible . But would be an effort to remunerate our most loyal contributors and volunteers .
Hence join this endeavour in creating a new paradigm for Media and Analysis conglomeration . Conglomeration of Free Citizens of the World .
Hang On .

Two Damned Sides .

Published On : 10 January 2012 , on opinm . opinionmaster . co . in

A t the confluence of Mullayar River and Periyar River is the masonry gravity dam , now referred to as “ Mullaperiyar Dam .” The Unique feature of this Dam is that the Dam is constructed on land and property of Kerala State and Government , whereas the operation and maintenance of The Dam is by Government of Tamil Nadu .

Constructed in late 19 th Century , After the Imperial British Crown struck a lease agreement for 999 years with the ruling Travancore Maharaja , Utilizing Lime stone , burnt brick powder and mixture of sugar with calcium oxide at a cost of 104 lakhs . The purpose was to divert periyar river water flow through subaltern tunnels into the stream of Vengai River deep in the territory of madras presidency with periyar river deep in the kingdom of Travancore . The diverted water thus was used to irrigate lands in Madurai province and surrounding semiarid and arid regions . Over the years the state of Tamil Nadu has not made available alternate source of irrigation and power supply for these parched regions , continuing to rely mainly on Kerala state ’ s depleting natural resource , which has been one of the many cause for tensions among the states concerned .
Wikipedia – Opensource encyclopedia provides the following information on the purpose of the “ Mullaperiyar Dam ” - The Periyar river which flows eastward