OPENSPACE 24: The Future of Space Exploration | Page 31

THE FUTURE OF SPACE EXPLORATION GRAVITATIONAL WAVES WILL OPEN A NEW DIMENSION IN THE UNIVERSE “If we don’t start taking measures to get rid of space debris, by 2030 the low Earth orbit space environment might not be usable anymore.” Paolo Ferri Head of the Mission Operations Department at the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC). most certain one. In the 2030s, a mission we’ll get rid of space debris will forever change our understanding of If we want space exploration to advance, there is one significant the universe. You might have heard of problem we need to address and eliminate: the over 750,000 LISA Pathfinder and how it successfully bits of floating space debris that are currently floating around demonstrated that we could detect low Earth orbit. Addressing the issue has become a matter of gravitational waves from space. ESA has international urgency since satellites worth billions of dollars are recently approved LISA, the mission that will under threat of collisions. These spacecraft are being sent into actually detect them. Expected to launch in space at a far greater rate than they are being destroyed. Of all the predictions, this exploration is the 2034, LISA will allow astronomers to study “We need to have international agreements among launching the universe for the first time outside the states and commercial initiatives about how to prevent electromagnetic spectrum, letting them “hear” proliferation of space debris, together with initiatives to remove at the universe, and go back to the very first least part of the existing ones. This issue needs to be addressed objects that ever appeared. “This is Nobel now. If we don’t start taking measures to get rid of space debris, Prize work,” stated Warhaut. by 2030 the low Earth orbit space environment might not be “I would have never thought to witness the usable anymore,” said Ferri. detection of gravitational waves in my life. The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs has worked Now with LISA we will be able to detect them with NASA and ESA to develop a set of guidelines for space from space and look back at the beginning of debris mitigation. Under the guidelines, when an orbital mission is the universe. What’s more exciting is that we planned, it must include a strategy to remove the spacecraft from are only at the beginning—we still don’t know orbit within 25 years. ESA is also currently developing a Space what we will be able to see with gravitational Situational Awareness (SSA) program to monitor the debris and waves. We will probably be able to solve recently appealed to satellite operators and space agencies to many mysteries that we are not even aware clear up their retired crafts, many of which could impact launches. of at this point,” concluded Ferri. However, current statistics say that about 60 percent of the satellites that should be disposed of at the end of their missions under current guidelines are, in fact, properly managed. “We need to make sure that all satellites that are sent to space are equipped with re-entry capabilities. This would be the first step to fight space debris,” said Ferri. 31