Volume 17 Issue 1 » 75
According to psychologist and play researcher Dr . Peter Gray , play is creative and innovative . It is an outlet where we can experience joy , learn to get along with peers , practice empathy and work through narcissism while improving our health . It has been linked with alleviating anxiety and depression , as well as helping stress management and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle .
It turns out that adults need recess too . Workplaces have recognized the link between productivity and a fun work environment by offering art and yoga classes , providing games like ping pong and foosball and organizing team sports . Companies that allow for more play at work report higher job satisfaction , greater workplace morale , and a decrease in staff turnover .
Play has long been used in therapy for children , and is now being explored for adults to help treat behavioural challenges and trauma . In fact , some treatment centres for drug or alcohol abuse use outdoor recreation and play as an integral part of their recovery programs . Programs based in adventure therapy or wilderness therapy have individuals engage in outdoor activities with others to problem solve and overcome challenges as a team , promoting resilience , self-esteem and cooperation through experiential education .
So what does play look like for grownups ? Experts say it ’ s important to think of play as more of a mental approach to activities . It can be anything that brings you enjoyment and makes you feel happy , relaxed , and like time is flowing without the need to check it . It could mean sharing jokes with a coworker , throwing a frisbee in the park , building a snowman , playing charades , or driving without a destination in mind . The important thing is that it takes you out of time and place , and immerses you in the moment . When we are in a state of play or flow , we tap into a type of mindfulness and presence that is so beneficial to our mental state , where responsibilities are forgotten . Play allows us to experience moments of lightness and freedom . It allows us to live in the moment .