Volume 17 Issue 1 » 17
Fun Food
Words and photos by Sherman Chan
“ Don ’ t play with your food ,” is a phrase most children have heard while imagining their mashed potatoes as volcanoes spewing out a brown gravy lava . Into adulthood we often try our best to adhere to etiquette , trying to remember which fork to use from a place setting . But what is the fun with that ?
What if we could enjoy delicious food and also have some fun , too ? Well , that is where we can dive deep into whimsical and playful creations that have become the rage . We can look to many different factors for this , yet the most prevalent is social media . It is almost an obligation to take a picture of what you are eating to post it on the internet . So with that in mind , let ’ s explore some of the most Instagram-worthy whimsical items in Vancouver .
One of the fastest-growing trends is creative dim sum . This has been popular overseas for awhile , but it has taken Vancouver by storm . We have the shockingly realistic Puppy Dog Pudding accompanied by Corn-Shaped Mango Pudding at New Mandarin Seafood Restaurant . An equally cute coconut pudding shaped as Piggies can get those smartphone cameras clicking .
Not to be outdone , Neptune Seafood Restaurant at Station Square in Burnaby sports a variety of dim sum including strawberryflavoured pudding shaped as Sleeping Bears . Taking it even further , we find a pond of pumpkin soup with Seafood Dumplings shaped as koi fish .
We cannot forget one of the originals is the Steamed Piggy Buns filled with salted egg yolk at Fortune Terrace Chinese Cuisine in Richmond .