Volume 16 Issue 1 » 3
Cover Me
Cliff Avril is the recent Seattle Seahawks defensive end
and Super Bowl Champion. He created the Cliff Avril
Family Foundation to raise awareness of Type 2 diabetes,
educate youth about healthy living, and build schools in
Haiti. Find out more about Avril and what’s ahead for
Your personal copy courtesy of
OpenRoad Auto Group
VO LU M E 1 6 I S S U E 1
Cliff Avril | Ryan Moreno | Ascend Prime | Ola Volo
Future Food | 12 Newest Cars | Porsche Pop-Up
Kitakyushu | Saxony | Eastside | Mental Health
Creative Direction:
I N F R O N T O F T H E L E N S : C L I F F AV R I L
S E E PA G E 1 0 F O R O U R F U L L I N T E R V I E W.
McLaren 720S N-Largo Onyx Black by TAG Motorsports
Drivers Club, Redmond, WA
Will Fong, Jason Sarai, Jason Tang
Suit - Gucci | Shoes - Jimmy Choo
B E H I N D T H E L E N S : J A S O N TA N G ,
AT O M I C 8 0 P H O T O G R A P H Y @ AT O M I C 8 0
The camera I used for the front cover...
A Nikon D5.
Favourite part of this shoot was...
I especially enjoyed shooting the cover image because it
was the most challenging both creatively and technically
to set up. My other favourite was working with Cliff
Looking ahead, what vehicle are you looking
forward to owning or driving this year?
If I absolutely had to name just one then it would be the
new McLaren GT.
What’s it like to be Cliff Avril’s next-door
The best part of being his neighbour is all the cars I
see. It’s like a revolving door of vehicles sitting in his
driveway. But seriously though, he’s a nice guy and totally
approachable. That alone makes it worthwhile.
You’re a McLaren driver yourself, what’s your
favourite thing about the McLaren brand?
Cliff Avril at Drivers Club
Photo by Jason Tang
Lighting by Pete Templin
Once an innovator, always an innovator. They pride
themselves on being at the leading edge of everything
they get their hands on, especially when it comes to cars.
And their cars are without a doubt fun to drive.