oo1 vol-1 | Page 8

8 For example: 34 0000 = 3.4 10 (5 spaces moved to the left, and 3 is the first digit) 5 B. If the number is less than 1 (1) Move the decimal point to the right after the first digital point to give a number between 1 and 9. (2) The spaces moved are shown as a power of ten. (3) The power is negative. 3 For example: 0.00378 = 3.78 10 ( 3 spaces moved to the right, and 3 is the first digit) Example 1.3 Write the following numbers in scientific notation (1) Diameter of earth is 12 800 000 m = _______________ m (2) Mass of a human is 78 kg = _______________ kg (3) Length of a virus is 0.000 03 cm = _______________ cm 1.4 Properties of Motion: speed, velocity, and acceleration 1.4.1 Speed Speed